In the world of educational toys, magnetic tiles have long been associated with early childhood development, valued for their ability to inspire creativity and promote discovery-based learning in young minds. But here's the secret that many parents might not yet know: these versatile magnet tile building blocks offer far-reaching benefits that extend well beyond the early years. In fact, magnetic tiles can prove to be incredibly valuable companions for children aged 8 and above, delivering a plethora of cognitive, social, and academic advantages that continue to nourish their development and inspire their curiosity.
For example, they can experiment with creating polygons to explore their properties or construct 3D shapes such as cubes, prisms, and pyramids.
Additionally, magnetic tiles facilitate the visualization and manipulation of angles, enabling children to construct various configurations and comprehend the intricate relationships between angles and shapes, encouraging a deeper understanding of geometry.
They can also be incorporated into fractions lessons! Children can visually divide shapes into equal parts, grasp concepts like numerators, denominators, and equivalent fractions, and promote collaborative learning for deeper comprehension.
Kids aged 8 and older love playing with our magnetic tile building block toys because it helps them learn in a fun way.
Intrigued by PicassoTiles magnetic tiles for older kids? Explore our best-selling options designed specifically for this age group, including our Classic PicassoTiles magnet tile building set and PicassoTiles Geometry Magnetic Building Set. These magnet tile sets are beloved by older kids for both play and learning.
Discover more favorites loved by older kids by exploring our magnetic tile toy products. Happy shopping!